I don't know what you thought the apocalypse would be, but it is nothing at all like I figured it would be. I mean, I expected zombies, nuclear bombs, Yellowstone blowing up, meteor hitting the earth. Who knows. But, a virus originating in China from a person eating a bat raw is not what I expected. I never expected that we would have power, running water and all the luxuries, let alone internet. I guess that may be why I'm actually ok with this whole apocalypse thing. Other than I'm very scared about any of our family getting this horrible virus. We are pretty much locked away. I go out to go to work and the grocery store. I try and go once a week on a visit with Crystal and family and Raja and family. But, we sit outside and there are no hugs. Can you imagine??? I cannot hug our grandchildren. It is horrible!!!!! KayeLynn goes to work and home - and she does the social distance visits with me...