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Showing posts from November, 2021

Dear Ted - #70 - Two years

Well, it's been two years. I can't even believe it. I worked all day and kept my mind off things. Since being home, it's not as easy. I love you more than you'll ever know.

Dear Ted #69 - Happy Birthday

Happiest Birthday honey bunny. I hope you're having a wonderful birthay in heaven. I woke up this morning to go to the bathroom, and I threw the covers off. When I did that, I said, Happy Birthday Honey Bunny. As I was walking to the bathroom, the TV turned on. I'm pretty sure I hit a button when I threw the covers off. But, a big part of me wants to believe you were acknowledging me saying happy birthday. I kept busy today. Went through some pictures that came from my mom's house, did laundry. I also went through this hard drive you had photos on and put some of them on zip drives to send to Dee and Randi. I hope they like them. Then KayeLynn and I went to honor you with an effing burger. It's tradition. I love you to the moon and back. I miss you so very much. I hope you have a good birthday.