This week has been stressful, sad, exhausting and makes me miss you so very much. The new airport opened on Tuesday. It's monstrous. I feel I walk 100 times more than I ever did. Walking in is further - so walking out is. But it's pretty beautiful. So - I'm glad we're there. But, that first morning all I could think of is you. You would have wrapped me in a big hug. You would have said, "go get 'em" or "go show 'em how it's done". I may have even worn the dress, but I don't know. You used to like the dress just because you liked zipping it up and zipping it down. Anyway - I just know you would have been trying to figure out when and where we could have gone, just so you could go to the new place. 😊😊😊 My memories are full of our last vacation. When we went to New England. That was probably one of my very favorite trips. I don't know why road trips with you are always in my top f...