So, the weather turned might gnarly yesterday. The temperature fell to the 50's. A super windstorm hit the night before last. Doing major damage to Raja and Rustie's house - tearing off lots of shingles, blowing down their fence. They don't have power and neither do Crystal and Brandon. It's been about 36 hours. They say it could still be a couple of days. Zach has been the only one going to school, because his school is the only one that had power. Rodger and Rustie are in a hotel, because they had to make an insurance claim for their roof. The wind was horrible, Penny said she prayed to you to make it stop.
We were ok here. No damage. Still have power.
I did have one problem, though. The cold air caused my tires to lose pressure. So I needed to get air in them. In the past, you would have fired up your monster compressor outside and would have filled them up for me. This time I had to either take it to the tire store and have them check and fill or do it myself. I remembered you gave me a small tire compressor. So - I decided to be a strong woman and do it on my own. I can do things. I'm just old and creaky. So - once I got it out of the box, it was a pretty cool toy. Got it all plugged in and filled those tires up smooth as can be. I did have to have Brandon remind me where to find the PSI - he told me where, then he sent me the number.
So the point of this is - - most of the time I didn't appreciate some of the strange and odd gifts you gave. And I still don't. Cuz - some of them are just too much. Too Much Teddy. But, this one here, it was amazing!! 💓💓💓💓💓
Another story for today. I was working a Vegas flight. I had this Southwest pilot come up and ask to jumpseat. She told us her date of birth and she was born exactly eleven years after you. I said, that was my hubby's birthday. Then she asked all about you. I showed her your picture and your ice bucket challenge video. She thanked me for telling her about you and promised on her birthday she would think about you. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever.
I miss you something fierce. Most days I'm ok. I mean, I'm functioning, but dang, I would much rather you were here. But, sometimes I just get sad because I miss you. I thank you so much for being there for Rodger the other day, I'm terrified to think about what could have happened had you not been there. You don't have any idea what it means to me.
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