So - shit has been going down these last few days. First off, the air conditioner blower, well actually the furnace blower stopped working. I guess it works both. We went about four days without air conditioning. I was ready to just buy a new furnace. Brandon and Crystal was here and we had someone come over to give me a quote on a new furnace. He ended up telling Brandon what the problem was. Brandon fixed it for me. The guy that gave the quote on the furnace went out and got the part we needed. It cost $400.
Now, the garage door is not working properly. I think it's from where you hit the door and now it's just not doing what it needs to do. So it will be the front door from here on out I guess. I am not sure what it's going to cost to get that fixed.
My computer is starting to act up. I know you would be yelling at me because I keep it on my lap all the time. The fan seems to be going out. And the battery is swollen. So - apparently the whole thing is just getting ready to blow up on me.
I called you an asshole yesterday because I got a bit angry that you aren't here to help me figure things out.
Added to that, I doubt I'll have a job in a few months. So - the things I want to do I don't know if I should do, because everything may be jerked out from under me in a few months.
We're still in the midst of #covidsucks and yesterday more people than ever in the state in one day tested positive. So - that is freaky. I really, honestly am so completely curious how you would have dealt with this apocalypse. So many of your right leaning peoples think that this is a hoax and this and that and the other. But, I know how concerned you were about pneumonia after being in the hospital and having surgery a few years ago. So - I'm really kind of wondering how you would have dealt with this whole thing.
Your girls are doing good. Dee finally got to start her new job. Randi just finished phlebotomy school and is looking for something in that line. Then she'll decide what area she wants to continue her schooling in. I sent them both $1200 and told them to consider it a gift from you. It was all I could do and I used money from the guns to do it. They both appreciated it. And it made them both cry.
I miss you horrible. I just kind of exist right now. I feel like I hurt and I'm tired all the time, but I'm pretty sure it's all the pain from missing you. I love you to pieces.
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