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Dear Ted - Number 76 - Liver Disease

 I'm so sad you aren't here.  I have to face this without you.  Hopefully, I can fight it and get better.  And not have to have a liver transplant.   Please hug on me when you can.
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Dear Ted - #75 - Happy Birthday

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Dear Ted #74 - Annual Honeymoon

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Dear Ted #73 - The Reunion

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Dear Ted #72 - Happy Birthday/Veterans Day

Hello my love, Yesterday was your birthday. I hope you had a great one. I hope you had an effing birthday burger - especially since I couldn't have one for you. I got my knee replacement two weeks ago. I'm still hobbling around. I really haven't left the house except to go to the doctor. But I'm getting better every day. But, I still can't eat meat. So that's an issue. I've lost a lot more weight that I ever intended. I'm down to 143 pounds. That's over 100 pounds lost. I always figured I would get to about 160 to 180 and be done. But my own body won't even let me stop losing weight. Today is Veteran's Day. I did manage to hobble out to the garage and get your USMC flag out in your honor. I was pretty proud of myself for doing that. I haven't been using my walker, so that was pretty impressive in my mind. I love you. Hope you had a great birthday. Miss you more than you'll know.

Dear Ted - #71

Holy hell. It's almost been a year since I wrote to you. Ten months, actually!! WOW Just thought I would catch you up on a few things. February I took Harper to Disneyland. We had a great time. I love that kid. That was the last time I traveled. Crazy, I know. April, I had gastric bypass surgery. I decided the rest of my life should be as healthy as possible. However, I've been pretty weak since having it. I actually did ok until I had Covid in June. That nearly killed me. Not really, but I got so weak I couldn't walk for twenty feet without thinking I needed to sit down and relax. I'm still dealing with that. Rustie had her gallbladder out on Friday. On Monday, I will be picking up the three girls. They will be staying with me until Saturday. Then I'll be taking them to Russ and Nancy's - I think. On Saturday, KayeLynn and I are heading to Grand Junction. Randi and Iri moved to Delta, Colorado back in May. So, we are going to go see them

Dear Ted - #70 - Two years

Well, it's been two years. I can't even believe it. I worked all day and kept my mind off things. Since being home, it's not as easy. I love you more than you'll ever know.