Today is the Fourth of July. You aren't here. It's kind of a weird one. No public or big fireworks shows. No parades. Just a low key, don't get in big crowds kind of event.
We had dinner at Crystal and Brandon's. Didn't barbecue, had pasta with alfredo, salad, watermelon, garlic bread. It was a tasty, very different, holiday meal. Then we made smores for dessert. The kids played in the pool. And did some snakes and smoke bombs. It was a good day.
When KayeLynn and I got home, we just kind of watched TV. Then the fireworks started. The private, big package fireworks. I had to go out and sit for a little bit. I had to watch. Too many memories flooded about how much you loved fireworks. I just had to go out and watch for a while. It was kinda a sucky show, but there were a few good ones. It was nice and warm outside.
I've kinda been pretty blue the last few days. Just completely missing you. I hate that you are gone. All these things happening and you are not here with me. I just miss you.
I love you.
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